Approaching Autistic Adulthood: The Road Less Travelled


Grace Liu has been blogging about autism since 2013. She has written for the National Autistic Society and appeared on podcasts. The book opens with information about how she  came to write the book, followed by a statement of her aims and a description of the contents.She thanks her parents for fighting for her diagnosis and thanks all the other autistic adults who have contributed their anecdotes to the book. With a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome aged nine, she details aspects of her life into adulthood and provides a useful guide to metaphors and idioms such as ‘At arm’s length’, and ‘Draw the line’, that can be confusing to the autistic person.

Chapters include:

Explaining autism
College and University
Bullying and Disrespectful behaviour

This is an interesting, personal reflection on what it feels like to manage autistic burnout, deal with people at work and socially and Grace Liu provides much in the way of practical advice and support.

Author: G. Liu
Publisher: Panoma Press
ISBN: 978-1-784529-57-4
Price: £12.99

Mary Mountstephen
Author: Mary Mountstephen

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