Schools are failing deaf children


Nearly two thirds of deaf children do not have a basic understanding of maths and English when they leave primary school. Key Stage Two results published on 16 December 2011 show that 64 per cent of deaf children are leaving primary school without grasping simple sums and sentences, compared with 19 per cent of children without SEN.

Following the release of the figures, the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) has warned that deaf children are at risk of being left behind in the Government’s literacy and numeracy drive, blaming a lack of specialist support in schools for these poor levels of achievement. The charity is calling on local authorities to protect the support they provide to deaf pupils through specialist teachers of the deaf.

“It is appalling that thousands of children, who have the potential to achieve anything, are being denied vital support at school”, said Jo Campion, Deputy Director of Policy and Campaigns at NDCS.


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