SEN130 : May/June 2024


Read SEN Magazine SEN130 : Mar/Apr here

It’s an unsettling issue this time. UK politics has gone all weird, and policy-making has virtually stopped. Which is a pity, because all is not well in the world of special education.

Joanne Doris (page 17) feels she is losing the battle: too little time and too many responsibilities, and she’s seriously thinking of changing career. Her article will raise a smile, but it’s really no laughing matter. Pooja Sharma (page 19) explains how children with SEN are being failed by the system, and how their parents are being sidelined or worse.

On a more heartening note, Caroline Bateman reports (page 25) on a Kingston University initiative to train new teachers in maximising the potential of dyslexic learners. And on page 29, Michael Ter Berg explains how systematic screening for mild-to-moderate vision and hearing impairments can reveal hitherto undetected barriers to learning.

Les Staves presents (page 35) a fascinating analysis of the sensory roots of maths and the importance of play well beyond the early years. Please see in particular the section headed The cycle of learning on page 36, which has echoes far beyond the world of the pedagog. Diana Hudson’s thought-provoking article (page 55) emphasises the importance of clarity and straightforward language in making texts more accessible to autistic learners. Metaphor and simile are tempting, but can be confusing to the literal mind.

Kim Graham’s helpful article on page 69 will help even experienced teachers with practical ideas for improving pupils’ well-being by boosting their communication skills. Emotional literacy and communication skills go hand in hand.

Turn to page 72 for our Autism Show preview for 2024. The show is being held at venues in Manchester, Birmingham and London in May and June. Hope to see you there!

If you would like to write for SEN Magazine, we would love to hear from you. No need to worry about the niceties of polished prose. If you have something to say about SEN, we’ll be very pleased to hear it.

As ever, the SEN Magazine team would like to send a huge thank you to all our wonderful advertisers and contributors, without whom SEN Magazine would not be possible.


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Managing challenging behaviour, What’s autism like?, Dyslexia training, Tourette’s,  Well-being, Outdoor play, Signing, Study trips, Fostering, Numeracy, SLCN, Exclusion, Points of view, Fire safety, Sensory impairment, Your comments, News, Book reviews, What’s New, CPD & Events, Resources

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