Page 100 - SEN114 September/October 2021
P. 100

 Introduce a statutory Mental Health
Policy to schools in England
Introduce a specific policy for schools which follows the Mental Health Act 2017.
It should promote inclusion and reasonable adjustments, to ensure pupils with significant mental health needs can access education regardless of their limitations.
 Create an emergency fund for ASD
(autism) & ADHD assessments
The Government should create an emergency fund to deal with waiting lists for autism & ADHD assessments for children AND adults.
 More Funding For SEN Children To
Access Appropriate School Provisions
Changes need to be made so more funding is available for schools and local authorities to offer better provisions for SEN children, especially those who do not fit the criteria for special needs EMS/mainstream schools. So no other child falls through the system.
 Government funding required for an
autism training support scheme
To Create a scheme for autistic adults and adults with learning difficulties, to break the stigma around adults
with learning difficulties, such as autism. As 80% of us are facing poverty and unemployment, as the education system struggle to support those with learning and educational needs.
 Require schools teach about special educational needs & mental health disorders
All schools, primary and secondary, have to educate students about different types of special needs; including autism, Asperger’s, ADHS and Down’s syndrome, and also mental health disorders.
 Replace “Special Educational Needs”
within the Children & Families Act
The use of “Special Educational Needs” in the Children
& Families Act (2014) and Code of Practice (2015) is outdated. It does not accurately describe the provision that many children need. It should be replaced with the term “additional needs”.
Petition watch

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