Page 70 - SEN114 September/October 2021
P. 70

   Popular easy-read newspaper to produce regular and rolling news
A popular easy-read newspaper produced by and for people with learning disabilities will this year begin a ‘rolling news service’ to deliver new stories more regularly and as they happen.
The move to a regular rolling news
service aims to ensure that the most current and topical events are made as accessible and available to people with learning disabilities as possible.
United Response’s Easy News ‘consultants’ – news editors with learning disabilities or autism supported by United Response – have been praised for covering sensitive and challenging topics this year, including the Israeli-Palestine conflict and the 10-year anniversary of the abuse at learning disability hospital Winterbourne View.
United Response is committed to ensuring those with learning disabilities or autism are informed about the world which surrounds them, and the charity’s many easy read resources are at the heart of this commitment.
To find out more about United Response, please visit:
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