Page 89 - SEN115 - November/December 2021
P. 89

 Professional support
  UK Education Provider Number 10088011
TSS Support the UN sustainable development goals
 An online support service for schools in the UK and the international school community
Outsourced SEND and EAL teaching and assessment online CACHE Certified courses for teaching support staff Inclusion staff/SENCO mentoring / school audits
(incl. school site visits)
Inclusion centred, accredited NCFE courses for students not in exam focused curriculums
Certified Functional Skills courses- English, Maths, ICT After school/ school support tutoring
SEND STAFF CPD - Accredited Courses (NCFE/CACHE)
Early years courses - CACHE accredited SPLD teaching and support
   Accredited provider
All our teachers are UK qualified and registered TSS follow UK safer recruitment practises.
Our teaching takes
place in our own secure virtual classroom platform.
email: Twitter - @TSupportSchool
TSS are an online inclusion hub for SEND and EAL,
working with schools, students and parents
different factors that affect these forces, a SEN learner could be colouring a push and pull worksheet. But wouldn’t it be more effective if the child actually experiences pushing and pulling then goes on to identify situations when they need to push and when pulling is required. To get the child to use simple sentences, they can then describe a picture of someone pushing a car or pulling a rope. The child is now in a better position to process the information and apply their newly acquired knowledge to everyday life.
Devising such activities, in which the task rather than the content is differentiated, requires us to identify what the child’s strengths are and where the learning gaps lie. Only then can our learners be given a meaningful learning experience, enabling them to move forward at a pace and in a way which is appropriate to them.
In this sense, effective professional support can go a long way. It allows for more effective practices that can be applied to different situations and enables higher quality instruction. This will translate into better learning outcomes for learners. As teachers become more competent, they also become less susceptible to stress and burnout.
Support can come in different shapes and sizes, be it as a mentor, coach, through face-to-face sessions or an on-line course, through workshops and conferences, or through whole
■ More effective practices in the classroom.
school programmers. It is vital that it reflects the needs of the
educators though.
We are. lucky that we live in both a globalised and digitalised world that not only gives us the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills we need to address the learners’ challenges, but also the tools to deliver the right teaching to our learners and meet expectations.

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