Page 17 - SEN116 January-February 2022
P. 17

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Therapy centre
The new therapy centre at
Muntham House Specialist School
A new therapy centre opens at Muntham House Specialist School in Barns Green, West Sussex, providing counselling and therapeutic provision and support for pupils. A purpose built, state of the art Therapy Centre has been created providing seven therapy rooms for pupils to experience counselling and the following therapies: Speech and Language, Occupational, Drama, Art, Drumming, Canine Therapy, Lego and Mental Health/Wellbeing support.
Muntham House School prides itself on being an outstanding provision, delivering the highest standards of education and social care. All pupils attending the school have special educational needs, creating additional barriers to their academic and social potential. An exceptional school environment helps to make this possible enabling pupils of mixed SEN abilities to engage and succeed beyond expectations achieving outstanding outcomes. An experienced and well-qualified staff team create and maintain purposeful working relationships with all pupils. The school do an amazing job of reengaging pupils in education, turning their lives around and providing positive futures. Pupils at the school go on to achieve aspirational targets supported by the therapy team.
The Muntham Therapy staff team offers a range of therapeutic interventions ensuring that pupils remain in class engaged in education. Ongoing assessments and professional observations provide much needed Mental Health and Wellbeing support to all pupils. This stabilises and supports pupil’s education in order to ensure engagement and success in their learning. Pupils at the school join with complex backgrounds and often have had negative previous educational experiences, all pupils however, go on to take their GCSE examinations, attend college, complete work experience placements, learn to drive, acquire employment and some even go on to attend and succeed at university.
The Therapy Centre staff team are a highly qualified and professional team of clinicians, therapists, practitioners and pastoral staff. The therapy team works systemically within the Muntham House community and is not separate from the school. The Therapy Centre is a place which provides
pupils with professional and emotional safety. The Therapy Centre has been carefully designed and purpose built, so that it provides a space which pupils are keen and proud to access. The space enables our team of therapists and practitioners to meet the therapeutic needs of our pupils as stipulated in their EHCP, Education Health and Care Plan documents, in a warm, welcoming and inspirational environment.
The global pandemic which we have all been through with COVID-19, has proven even more so, the high need for pupils to receive effective Wellbeing, Mental Health and Therapeutic support. A generous donation from the Constable Education Trust has helped to fund the cost of the building and made this project possible. The vision of the School Principal, Mr Anderson is very much inclusive and will provide necessary support for local schools offering access to the centre for therapy and counselling. This will provide invaluable free of charge, counselling and therapeutic support for pupils of high need at the centre with full support from the Muntham House staff team. Pupils will also be able to access this professional support within their own schools delivered by the Muntham Therapy staff team.
The school offers both day and residential placements for boys aged 5-18 years of age. Please visit the school website for more information

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