Saturday, May 4, 2024
Home Tags Autism spectrum disorder

Tag: autism spectrum disorder

It’s different for girls

Are parents and professionals missing the signs of autism in girls? Kate Reynolds looks at why female autism is often diagnosed late and misunderstood. It is...

Autism support

Victoria Annan on how targeted support for autism can go mainstream. My role at Chalgrove Primary School involves identifying and delivering successful strategies to support...

Tutoring and Pathological Demand Avoidance

Lucy Spencer demonstrates the potential of school-led or home-based tutoring for children with SEND and explores the benefits of this personalised approach for pupils...

Moving into adult life with digital stories

Digital stories are a powerful means of expression for voices that can be difficult to hear and could be the way forward in supporting...

The Parents’ Guide to Managing Anxiety in Children with Autism

The author is a registered psychologist and Director of Okey Dokey Childhood Psychology and the mother of three children, two of whom have autism....

Does my child have an Autism spectrum condition?

Karla Pretorius offers a range of tips and strategies for parents with children who have suspected, but as yet undiagnosed, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Being a...

Pathological demand avoidance

If you have a young person whose behaviour you find hard to understand, you might want to consider PDA, writes Sally Russell

Asperger’s syndrome and me

Amanda Batten, of the NAS, talks to Dinesh Sattee about ilfe at school for a pupil with Asperger's syndrome and his recent meeting with the Care Services Minister, Phil Hope, as part of the Government's consultation for the adult autism strategy

Book Reviews

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...