Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Sticky Teaching and Learning

How to make your students remember what you teach them Caroline Bentley-Davies is a teacher trainer, adviser, coach and the author of many bestselling books,...

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...

Managing Stress and Distress

How to Help, Understand and Support Children and Young People Stan Godek is the Founder and Director of a training and consultancy network of experts...

Getting to grips with assistive technology

We can create a daring, whole-school vision says Sam McFarlane. It's inescapable, the digital revolution is here to stay, and the world of education is...

Nurturing a child with ASD

As a mother of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and a specialist SEN teacher, Krista Dadford understands the joys and challenges of...


Jessica Sinarski on the power of attachment in school. Relationships are inextricably linked to learning. As the old saying goes, "Kids don't care how much...

DSA funding for dyslexic students

Funding is available, but needs to be more widely publicised, says Jennifer Willows. With rising diagnoses and an increased awareness of the challenges facing students...

OK, but what now?

A diagnosis of ADHD can be helpful, but what happens next? Kate King has answers. Every child's experience of ADHD is different, and every child...

Top tips for AAC interactions

Sarah McPoland collates tips from AAC users for people who have not previously encountered AAC. AAC is an abbreviation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication and...

There’s more to handwriting than you think

Sue Smits on cultivating cursive competence. The questions I am most frequently asked are 'What are the main causes of messy handwriting?' and 'How can...

Book Reviews

Sticky Teaching and Learning

How to make your students remember what you teach them Caroline Bentley-Davies is a teacher trainer, adviser, coach and the author of many bestselling books,...