Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Tag: learning

Books for dyslexia

The BookTrust’s Diana Gerald on sharing books and stories, and the benefits at different stages for a child with dyslexic child. An enjoyment of books...

We’re building a reading culture

Let's make libraries more accessible, says Alison Tarrant, CEO of the School Library Association. Building an authentic reading culture and an inclusive school library can...

Success builds successful learners

Sarah Singleton on precision teaching for accelerating learning. Precision teaching is a research-based intervention often highly recommended by educational psychologists and specialist teachers to help...

Looking after what we can’t see

David Swanston really digs gardening. Gardening activities are a great way to facilitate learning for children and young people with SEND, and the benefits are...

Spark their imagination

Sebastian Fattorini on visiting Skipton Castle. One December day in 1645, a column of soldiers, weary and tattered but with colours flying and trumpets sounding,...

Forest School: Overcoming educational barriers for young people with autism

Stephanie Smith and Catriona Henson take to the outdoors At The Cavendish School, our students are driven to succeed, but are unable to thrive in...

Brick by brick

Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta on building skills and learning through play. Children's brains are designed to absorb information about their world through playful...

EdTech and neurodiversity

Clifford Chen outlines how education technology is improving inclusion. School can be tough for any child, but for students with neurodiversity, challenges faced in the...

Getting away from it all

Learning outside the classroom is a perfect way to engage and nurture kids with SEN, writes Victoria Wilcher. In a recent article for the Guardian...

The courage to fail

Children deserve the same consideration we give adult learners, says Abigail Gray

Book Reviews

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...