Monday, May 13, 2024
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Tag: ASD

Avoiding the subject

Pathological demand avoidance syndrome has long resided at the forgotten end of the autistic spectrum, but things may be starting to change. Margaret Duncan looks at what PDA is and why it matters

Fresh approach to adult autism

The Government has announced its first update of the adult autism strategy since the ground-breaking Autism Act of 2009. Think Autism includes new initiatives designed...

Capturing autism

Photographer Sara Dunn talks to SEN Magazine about her ongoing project to record the autistic experience  In October 2013, autism mum Sara Dunn set out...

Include me

Louise Holt, Sophie Bowlby and Jennifer Lea look at how to improve the social inclusion of children with SEN  This article summarises the findings of...

Autism in China: a silent epidemic

Nick Compton reveals how a Beijing autism centre is battling prejudice and China’s nascent welfare system to provide hope for families living with autism

New Toddlerlab to study autism

Researchers studying the early development of autism and other behavioural conditions at Birkbeck, University of London’s “Babylab” are to be supported by colleagues at...

New technology could aid social interaction in autism

Interactive computer-generated characters are helping children with autism to improve their social skills and learn to interact better with people. While many parents fear the...

A tale of two sisters

Growing up with an autistic sibling can be tough, but through the best and the worst of times, 17-year-old Mimi never lost faith in her sister Lucy

Schools illegally excluding children with autism

Four in ten children with autism in England were illegally excluded from school during a 12-month period, according to a new survey carried out...

Early years and post-16 autism training

A series of regional hubs have been established to deliver autism training to early years and post-16 education providers. The centres will deliver the...

Book Reviews

Parenting Children With ADHD

10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach Dr Monastra, is a clinical psychologist who is internationally recognised for his research on the neurophysiological characteristics of children...