Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Home Tags Asperger’s

Tag: Asperger’s

No choice without understanding

Young people with ASD need clear information and practical support to deal with the complexities of modern social interaction, writes Robyn Steward

Asperger’s and the route to work

Entering the world of work can seem like a forlorn hope for many young people with SEN, but Naj Modak tells the story of one young man for whom Asperger's has been no barrier to fulfilling his dream

Sense and sensitivity

Janis Rogers looks at how we can understand and support sensory perception difficulties in children with autism

Acting disabled is the new “blacking-up”

The practice of employing actors without disabilities to play the parts of people with mental impairments is "the modern equivalent of blacking-up", says Nicola...

Book Reviews

Word Aware: Teaching Vocabulary in Small Groups for Ages 6 to...

The authors of this publication are Speech and Language Therapists, who have written the bestselling resource Language for Thinking, as well as Word Aware...