Monday, May 6, 2024
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Tag: disabilities

Flex your independence muscle

Nick Liley enthuses about outdoor activity residential experiences for schools and families. Short breaks and holidays can be a lifesaver for many young people with...

How to stop Bullying

Liffy McDonald enthuses about the work of the Anti-Bullying Alliance The work of the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) is more relevant than ever in the current...

Navigating the EHCP labyrinth

SEND lawyer and parent Sarah Fitzgibbons debunks some common myths about EHCPs. According to the latest government data, there are of 1.37 million children in...

We adopted three children with disabilities and have never looked back!

Being single and openly lesbian, Alison always knew she’d adopt a child. I had always worked in the special education sector and I wanted to...


Karen Childs Smith on safeguarding when working with children and young people with additional needs. Children and young people who have special educational needs and...

Cultural inclusion in a post-pandemic world

Professor Adam Boddison discusses the importance of cultural inclusion for children with SEND.  Cultural inclusion is about ensuring that everybody has access to heritage, culture...

Expert Roundtable: How can digital learning providers make their content more...

Throughout the last year, Covid and the subsequent restrictions have led to digital learning courses becoming more and more popular with learners from all...

Examining technology

Assistive technology can make exams fairer and more inclusive, writes Andrew Harland. One might argue that we all use various forms of technology to assist...

Beating bullying: supporting children with disabilities and SEN

Matthew Dodd of the Council for Disabled Children examines anti-bullying legislation and advice, and explores the reality of bullying for today's SEN and disabled children

Book Reviews

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...