Thursday, May 9, 2024
Home Tags Health and wellbeing

Tag: health and wellbeing

The Healing Breath

How to Use the Power of Breathing to heal, Reduce Stress and Improve Wellbeing Jack Angelo has been a teacher and writer in the fields...


Kate Parish on thoughts, and why they matter. A thought creeps into your head and starts to make you feel anxious or worried. The more...

Becoming a therapeutic school

Peter Nelmes on how his school became more effective at identifying and meeting children's needs. We never set out with the intention of becoming a...

School anxiety

There is still a long way to go to ensure that mental health is fully supported in schools, writes Julie Whitington. Working in a primary...

School exclusion and its implications

The disproportionate exclusion of pupils with SEND is unacceptable, write Qaisar Sheikh and Richard Oldershaw. According to recent DfE figures, pupils with SEND account for...

School refusal

Naomi Humber on the causes and signs of school refusal, and what to do when it happens. School refusal, also known as school phobia or...

A personal sense of winning

Mike Dale on the Outstanding Achievement Awards. The pandemic had a catastrophic impact on activity levels. This hit pupils with SEND hardest, as they already...

Gardening and SEN

Damien Newman extols the merits of social and therapeutic horticulture Social and therapeutic horticulture is a description of using horticulture and other garden related activities...

Eat to Beat Depression and Anxiety:

Nourish Your Way to Better Mental Health in Six Weeks Dr Drew Ramsey is a psychiatrist and specialist in the use of nutritional interventions for...

Climbing, balancing, noticing and exploring

Taking learning outside can lead to explorations that connect us to our senses and calm troubled minds, says Tina Stubbs, who is passionateabout the...

Book Reviews

Parenting Children With ADHD

10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach Dr Monastra, is a clinical psychologist who is internationally recognised for his research on the neurophysiological characteristics of children...