Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Home Tags Makaton

Tag: makaton

Art angels of the North

Sophy Sylvester and Dyzelle Sutherland on the darts project, bringing music to young people with SEND in Doncaster. "They’re getting the hang of dynamics and...

What’s happening at Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Katy Lironi on how DSS has adapted its ABC services following the pandemic. Down's Syndrome Scotland has been delivering ABC (Achieving Better Communication) groups for...

Visiting museum and heritage site

Hannah Cushion, Learning Project Officer at London Transport Museum gives valuable advice and guidance about selecting venues for your next school trip. When we think...

Lockdown helped my baby learn to sign

In this article, Elise Stirling, an autism specialist teacher, shares how lockdown helped her family bond with her newborn child, and how Makaton signing...

Book Reviews

Word Aware: Teaching Vocabulary in Small Groups for Ages 6 to...

The authors of this publication are Speech and Language Therapists, who have written the bestselling resource Language for Thinking, as well as Word Aware...