Sunday, May 5, 2024
Home Tags Sensory

Tag: sensory

Unstructured times are the worst!

Karen Ferguson provides some simple ideas to help pupils with autism during break and transition times at school

Living life in colour

Alex Manners reveals how Asperger’s affects his daily life and is now helping him to shape his future

Outdoor inspiration

Schools can use outdoor play areas to foster learning, improve behaviour and promote inclusion, writes Sam Flatman

Personal growth

Something’s blooming in our school gardens and it looks a lot like education, writes Becky Pinniger

A sense of wonder

Gareth Jones and Sheena Hardwick discuss the importance of sensory equipment in promoting educational development

Flights of fancy

Toni and Gordon Dickinson reveal how art gives children with SEN a route to self-expression 

Sensory adventures

Multi-sensory environments provide invaluable opportunities for personal development and empowerment, and they can play a vital role in the curriculum, says Suzanne Little

Book Reviews

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...