Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Home Tags Visual impairment

Tag: visual impairment

Service directory for deafblind people

UK charity Sense has launched The Deafblind Directory which allows deafblind people and their carers to search for service providers ranging from interpreters to...

Accessible textbooks for the visually impaired

Following a long and vocal campaign, the Government is backing a pilot project to provide accessible text books to blind, partially sighted and dyslexic children. Yashoda Sutton of RNIB looks at the importance of this project and provides advice on what we can do now to support children who can’t read standard print

Accessible text books pilot project

The DCSF have announced the appointment of a consortium to run a pilot project which aims to transform access to textbooks for blind, partially...

Book Reviews

The National Curriculum Outdoors Year 6 (A Complete Scheme of Work)

The authors share wide experience that includes primary and special needs teaching, as well as the development  of outdoor learning programmes, school-based learning in...