A Mindset for Success In Your Classroom and School


Tony Swainston has a long career in the teaching profession, followed by extensive experience in delivering training in both business and education, in over 15 countries around the world. He is a sought after keynote speaker with clients including Shell and The British Council and has trained over 20 UK schools in his ‘Mindset of Success’ programme.

The book is organised into four parts:

  • Why changing mindsets in our schools matters
  • What mindsets are all about
  • How to change the mindsets of a school community
  • Practical activities that change mindsets

In addition to the above, Swainston provides a number of appendices that help schools to put this programme into practice.

Swainton writes in an easy to follow style and he clearly believes that outstanding teachers ‘believe in their students’ and in their potential to develop a growth mindset, as he sees this of ‘immense importance’ in terms of academic and personal development. He talks about the importance of nourishing the brain with a diet of positive thoughts that support personal growth and the attainment of goals. 

In Part 4 of the book there are a number of practical activities for both students and adults (teachers, parents, support staff). These are well set out and draw on his expertise and experience and are designed to be used in various settings such as lessons or assemblies.

This is a well crafted book that offers a clear route to creating and maintaining a positive mindset approach to learning. 

Author: T. Swainston
Publisher: Crown House Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-7858397-3
Price: £18.99

Mary Mountstephen
Author: Mary Mountstephen

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