Outstanding School Leadership:


How to take your school to the top and stay there

Peter J. Hughes is CEO of a leading primary and secondary multi-academy trust in London. He is also the founder and CEO of Progress Teaching, an education platform that improves teaching for better student outcomes. Hughes arrived in the UK in 2001 at the age of twenty five, following a turbulent childhood and he draws on this personal experience when explaining how his journey can help the reader ‘find the leader within yourself’. Each chapter in the book follows a similar structure, opening with an introduction, followed by ‘the yarn’, followed by research that unpicks some aspects of leadership skills, a case study, conclusions and top tips. These include:

• Being mission driven
• Doing what is right, not what is popular
• A relentless focus on finding and developing talent
• Teaching and learning above all
• Where to from here?

This is an engaging and readable book that offers expert guidance, with a focus on the power of relationships, a rigorous research-based approach to learning, and a commitment to aspects of practice that are non-negotiables.

P.J. Hughes
Bloomsbury Education
ISBN: 978-1-80199-329-6


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