Tag: additional needs
Brighter futures
Fostering brighter futures for children with SEN in foster care requires a community effort, argues Steve Christie.
Positive relationships with both adults and peers are...
Yoga for children with additional needs
Yoga strengthens muscles, builds coordination and confidence and helps children to relax and regulate their emotions, says Victoria Tso.
Yoga offers a holistic approach to...
Fixing those pesky mental images
Louise Barnes's fascinating account of how she approaches dyslexia. Warning: may contain traces of alien-octo-spider and blue bacteria.
I'm a former primary teacher, now giving...
SEN fostering
There are many reasons why people foster, but they all have one thing in common—a wish to make a positive difference to the lives...
Reducing restraint
Tough approaches like zero tolerance and seclusion don't work, says Ben Higgins. We need a more person-centred and trauma-informed approach in education.
For most children...
A route map to the future
Graham Caldow devised a route map to help his daughter, who has developmental learning disorder (DLD).
You may be facing the problems we faced as...
Interactive inclusion
Sarah Sumner is enthusiastic about the benefits of interactive resources for supporting learners with SEND in primary education.
As a headteacher of a primary school...
The great outdoors
The textures, smells, colours, and sounds of the outdoors are all there, waiting to be explored, write Suzi Hoskins and Claire Abercrombie.
If you're considering...
DSA funding for dyslexic students
Funding is available, but needs to be more widely publicised, says Jennifer Willows.
With rising diagnoses and an increased awareness of the challenges facing students...
The long wait for a home
According to Jenny MacQuire, children with disabilities often wait the longest for adoption.
There are about two thousand children waiting for adoption in England, and...