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Tag: dyscalculia

SEN126 : September/October 2023

Read SEN Magazine SEN126 : Sept/Oct 2023 here I’m a big fan of September, with a touch of autumn in the air and a sense...

Neurodivergence and adoption

The most effective way to support a neurodivergent child is to understand what makes them different, says Dr Gemma North Neurodiversity is a term increasingly...

How to love maths

It is time to think differently, support diversity, and teach maths for the world our children live in today, says Karen McGuigan. Let's give...

Dyscalculia and inclusive technology

Professor Michael von Aster and James Wright discuss dyscalculia and the technology available to support pupils and teachers. Dyscalculia is a learning difficulty that affects...

Dyslexia in Parliament

Roger Broadbent talks to MPs about their dyslexia. This spring, I met four dyslexic MPs either via Zoom or in person at Portcullis House. I ...

The Lone SENDCO: Questions and Answers For the Busy SENDCO

Gary Aubin is director of SEND for a multi academy trust, having worked as a SENDCO in mainstream primary and secondary schools, where he...

Summing-up dyscalculia

Judy Hornigold explains how to identify and support dyscalculia in the classroom

Subtract the negatives

Beliefs about the way maths should be taught discriminate against pupils with SEN, writes Steve Chinn

Five ways to understand dyscalculia

New research may shed light on the different types of problems dyscalculics have with numeracy, says Tony Attwood

Dyscalculia minus understanding equals problem

Tony Attwood calls for all teachers to stand up and be counted

Book Reviews

The National Curriculum Outdoors Year 6 (A Complete Scheme of Work)

The authors share wide experience that includes primary and special needs teaching, as well as the development  of outdoor learning programmes, school-based learning in...