Tag: play
Play equipment with purpose
Darran Hine on designing safe, stimulating and inclusive outdoor play areas.
When planning outdoor play areas for children with SEN, it's essential to adopt a...
Challenge accepted
Jamie Bruce Jones discusses how to create robust and long-lasting solutions which challenge and inspire.
The greatest benefit of outdoor play is independence. Outdoor play...
Fair playgrounds
Scope is campaigning for more accessible playgrounds.
Research from the disability equality charity Scope shows that as many as half of local playgrounds aren't accessible...
Musical exploration
Rima Jakubauskas and Laura Pearce introduce us to music therapy.
Music therapy has been a profession in the UK since the 1960s, and it's related...
Heavy work in outdoor play
Samantha Tolley and colleagues talk about pushing, pulling and lifting.
When a child has sensory processing difficulties, appropriate automatic reactions and behaviours are not as...
Brick by brick
Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta on building skills and learning through play.
Children's brains are designed to absorb information about their world through playful...
SEN124 : May/June 2023
Read SEN Magazine SEN124: May/June 2023 here
It’s been a busy few weeks here recently, including a very worthwhile trip to Dyslexia Show 2023 in...
Goldilocks and free space for SEND
James Wilkinson on designing outdoor spaces for SEND environments.
So much more than a chance to have fun outside, the right outdoor spaces and playground...
Painting Fantasy Miniatures as a therapy
Danny Bennet shares his experiences of the therapeutic effects of creating and painting fantasy miniatures in the classroom.
In an Additional Support Needs (ASN) setting,...
Why outdoor physical activity and play have a fundamental role in...
Vicci Wells discusses how schools have turned to outdoor-based activities – embedding physical activity into lessons.
Despite the varied and substantial benefits of physical activity,...