Thursday, May 2, 2024
Home Tags SEND


Roll up, roll up! And relax…

Even the circus can put on a relaxed performance, says Emma Bradshaw. The modern circus still retains the same elements of its eighteenth century origins:...

Gardening and SEN

Damien Newman extols the merits of social and therapeutic horticulture Social and therapeutic horticulture is a description of using horticulture and other garden related activities...

What matters most?

Look beyond the academic provision, says Katharine Sharpe. When I talk to parents and carers about choosing a school for their child, my first question...

The long wait for a home

According to Jenny MacQuire, children with disabilities often wait the longest for adoption. There are about two thousand children waiting for adoption in England, and...

RHSE planning and student vulnerabilities

Jenny Fox on ensuring pupils with SEND benefit from high quality teaching and resources. Children and young people with special education needs and disabilities face...

Trust your instincts

Sotiria Vlahodimou shares her thoughts on choosing the right school or college. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important...

BSL for all

British Sign Language is a language for everyone, says Matthew Kleiner-Mann. It's not often that you walk into a primary school classroom and it's so...

Five thoughts on PSHE for older students

Angela Milliken-Tull on developing PSHE for older students with learning differences or neurodiversity. Since September 2020, Relationships, sex, and health education (RSHE) has been statutory...

Relaxed performances bring joy to all

Making live theatre accessible to all needs careful planning says Kathryn McAuley There is clear and compelling evidence that experiencing live theatre can be beneficial...

Government failing disabled people, human rights watchdog warns

The UK government has been accused by a human rights watchdog of making "slow progress" in improving the lives of disabled people. The Equality and...

Book Reviews

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...