Friday, May 17, 2024
Home Tags SEND


BSL for all

British Sign Language is a language for everyone, says Matthew Kleiner-Mann. It's not often that you walk into a primary school classroom and it's so...

Five thoughts on PSHE for older students

Angela Milliken-Tull on developing PSHE for older students with learning differences or neurodiversity. Since September 2020, Relationships, sex, and health education (RSHE) has been statutory...

Relaxed performances bring joy to all

Making live theatre accessible to all needs careful planning says Kathryn McAuley There is clear and compelling evidence that experiencing live theatre can be beneficial...

Government failing disabled people, human rights watchdog warns

The UK government has been accused by a human rights watchdog of making "slow progress" in improving the lives of disabled people. The Equality and...

Splitting York autistic twins may have unwanted outcome – charity

A charity has warned of possible "unwanted outcomes" after autistic twin brothers were allocated places at two different schools. Jasper has been offered a place...

“We’re our own worst enemy”

Coaches need to up their game, says Gillian Corke. I received an email from a friend who is a long-time teacher and sports coach. I...

Point of view: legal specialist

EHCPs: Why families need legal advice. This process is becoming more complex, writes Guv Samra. In my experience, families often don’t know where to start...

Looking after what we can’t see

David Swanston really digs gardening. Gardening activities are a great way to facilitate learning for children and young people with SEND, and the benefits are...

SEND in museums

How Sam Bowen has helped change attitudes to SEND. I set out on my museum path as a student volunteer for Norwich Castle Museum, and...

Vicarious adventures with food

Use the five senses and help children develop a better relationship with food, says Lucy Cooke Childhood eating and feeding difficulties are common, particularly in...

Book Reviews

Parenting Children With ADHD

10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach Dr Monastra, is a clinical psychologist who is internationally recognised for his research on the neurophysiological characteristics of children...