ADHD does not exist


The Truth About Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

Dr Saul is a behavioural neurologist, and a medical director who has been practising medicine for more than fifty years, consulting with over five thousand clients diagnosed with ADHD in that time. In this controversial book, he draws on this extensive experience to propose that ADHD is not a condition on its own, but rather a symptom complex that can be caused by one or more of twenty separate conditions. Chapters focus on summaries of the conditions behind ADHD symptoms including:

● Vision Problems

● Sleep Disorders

● Substance Abuse

● Sensory Processing Disorder

● Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

The author draws on case-studies from his own practice to illustrate how a wide range of symptoms can be misinterpreted as indicative of ADHD, and the associated use of medication to address the ‘problem’ behaviours. He explains how he works with individual families, beginning with asking questions that provide deeper insights into how the client and the family perceive their problems, challenges, strengths and weaknesses. This enables him to then engage in a dialogue about the ways in which practitioners and clients are often ‘much too willing’, to diagnose a set of symptoms as ADHD. By identifying alternative causes for the issues, and prescribing appropriate resources, interventions and medications, he describes how clients begin to make progress in aspects of their lives such as behaviour in schools, attention and concentration and decreases in off task behaviour.
Recommended reading for teachers, parents and others working with students whose behaviours are causing concern.

Author: R. Saul, MD
Publisher: Harper Wave (An imprint of HarperCollins Publishers)
ISBN: 978-0-06-226674-3
Price: £12.43

Mary Mountstephen
Author: Mary Mountstephen

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