Bringing AAC expertise together

Around 300,000 people in the UK will need AAC support in their lifetime.

A new website seeks to empower the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) community to improve services and support for people with speech difficulties.

Targeted at AAC users, parents and carers, and professionals, the AACknowledge website brings together in one place the latest information and evidence on communication aids. It provides a bibliography of published research into AAC, case studies, factsheets and links to additional sources of information. It also has a frequently asked questions section and summaries of academic articles in plain English.

The project is part of the three year AAC Evidence Base Research Project, run by AAC charity Communication Matters. The website has been funded by the National Lottery, and developed by Manchester Metropolitan University in association with the charity.

It is estimated that around 300,000 children and adults in the UK today will need AAC at some point in their lives. Roughly ten per cent of this group have the most complex needs, which demand access to specialised services and equipment.

Launching the new site, David Morgan, Research Lead at Communication Matters said that “For too long, people who use AAC, professionals and family members have not had easy access to AAC information and evidence and this had to change.”

The AACknowledge website is at:

SEN News Team
Author: SEN News Team

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