Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Tag: ASD

Supporting those with Rett syndrome

Julie Bierton highlights a vital source of support for families of children with this serious genetic condition

Autism: trauma in the classroom

In the second part of the story of her son's autism, Eve Wilson reveals how a nightmarish start at school was overcome by some simple good practice

Autism: diagnosis day horror

In the first of a series of frank and heart-felt articles about her son's autism, Eve Wilson re-lives the day that changed their lives forever

How does autism affect behaviour?

SEN talks to behaviour expert Paul Holland about the complex subject of autism and behaviour

Asperger’s syndrome: difference, not disorder

Asperger's syndrome is still widely misunderstood in our classrooms, says parent and teacher Aaron Yorke

Friendship mentoring for children with autism

Judith Deneen explains how a scheme to help children with autism become more engaged in the playground changed her perceptions about teaching social skills

Not stupid: one woman’s fight for her sons’ education

Anna Kennedy tells the remarkable story of her struggle to set up the new school her sons, and hundreds of other autistic children, desperately needed 

Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified: what’s in a name?

Richard Mills demystifies the condition behind the unwieldy name

Book Reviews

Neurodiversity and Education

The authors of this publication combine extensive experience in the fields of education, neurodiversity, teacher training, tutoring and consultancy. Paul Ellis broadcasts regularly on...