The Ultimate Guide to SLCN


This ebook is designed to help SENCOs, school staff and others supporting pupils with SLCN in schools. In the introduction the authors point out that 10% of all children present with SLCN. This number rises sharply for students in areas of social disadvantage, where as many as 50% of children start school with difficulties and delays in this aspect of their development.

The book is divided into 3 parts. The first part provides background information about the role of the Speech and Language Therapist and ways to make schools more communication friendly. Terminology is defined for the reader and there is a useful overview of what is meant by ‘communication’. 

The second part of the book focuses on ‘Disorders Demystified’, with information about disorders and difficulties. These include selective mutism, stammering, hearing Impairments, dyslexia and Down’s Syndrome.

The authors provide information about relevant links between these disorders and language skills, as well as references for further information. The final part of the book explains how their award winning system works.  In use in over 4,000 primary schools in the UK, they claim that children make an average of 20 months progress with their understanding of classroom language in just eight months of following their programme. They have also developed a secondary school level programme. The eBook is for schools who take a free trial of their  packages and is not available as a product in its own right.

Authors: S. Mustoe-Playfair and L. Bingham. Publishers: SpeechLink Multimedia Limited. Price: £23.99. The printed version is available here. For more books about communication, click here and here.

Mary Mountstephen
Author: Mary Mountstephen

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