SEN115 : November/December 2021


Read SEN Magazine SEN115: November/December 2021 here


Slowly but surely, the school routine is getting back to an approximation of normality. But for some, the return to a ‘normal’ school life means the difficulties and problems of the past are reappearing. In some ways very little has changed for those children and young people with the need for a little extra help and support.

However, this new start does offer opportunities to look at the world around us, our relationships and interactions and ask ourselves the question: Can we do things a little differently than before?

For parents, carers and educators alike, an awareness of what is happening in our interactions is a critical part of the support role Jannine Perryman and Louise Parker Engels continue their series of articles on school attendance difficulties and persistent absence by looking specifically at the issue of bullying (p50). Sara Alston looks at the issue of Safeguarding, particularly in relation to SEN children and young people (p84). Dave Whitaker reflects on how best to implement school behaviour policies with a little common sense and understanding (p82).

These thought provoking articles highlight the need for vigilance and common sense when it comes to the pastoral role.

Enriching the educational experience through the arts is something which benefits everyone involved. Michelle Temperley of the National Youth Theatre discusses the issue of inclusivity in the arts (p35). Madeline Aslan gives a detailed account of how music therapy can help and develop children with profound and multiple learning disabilities (p26), whilst Mel Boda describes the origins and work of the interactive music charity Electric Umbrella (p32).

For some, their experience of the education sector is beginning to draw to a close. Early consideration of the changes needed for transitioning to adult life for young people with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus is advocated by Iona Campbell (p64).

At the other end of the educational journey, Rajvinder Singh Gill describes the arduous and sometimes difficult process of diagnosing children with epilepsy (p60)

When we see a problem affecting our loved ones, then it is often a motivation to try and get them the support and help they so obviously need. Steve Hermon gives a moving account of how he is working towards helping to get a fair and equitable therapy provision for all those with speech and language difficulties (p72).

Steve Muddiman

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