Dyslexia and Inclusion: Classroom Approaches for Assessment, Teaching and Learning (3rd Edition)


Author: G.Reid
Publisher: Routledge (David Fulton)
ISBN: 978-1-138-48749-9
Price: £24.99

Gavin Reid is a recognised international expert who has written over 30 books in the field of dyslexia and learning. He has sat on government panels and been engaged in United Nations funded projects. Key features of this new edition include updates on research and legislation, additional sections on teaching strategies and developing independent learning, as well as extensive references to additional resources.

This is an impressive text that manages to combine the best of academic and practical information for the reader. The style is accessible and guides the reader through the overwhelming maze of information. Chapters include: ‘Five signposts for successful inclusion’, ‘Inclusion and Intervention’ and ‘Curriculum access: Identifying needs’

Reid points out that each individual with dyslexia needs to be taught in ways that are appropriate to them and that there is a ‘fairly superficial and almost stereotypical view of dyslexia’ that can lead to inappropriate teaching approaches. He provides information about factors to take into account and links this to practical suggestions that take into account learning preferences, motivation and the learning environment.

In the conclusion to the book, he points out that misconceptions about dyslexia have led to  ‘miracle cures’ and ‘new breakthroughs’ that are promoted through vigorous marketing and he calls for teachers to be supported in gaining a full understanding of dyslexia to guide them in devising effective interventions. An excellent text.

Mary Mountstephen
Author: Mary Mountstephen

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