Born to Be Awesome


The author of this book works in the music and performing arts industry and is a former anorexic, volunteer worker and an enthusiastic advocate of youth restorative courses. In this book, she has devised eight lesson plans that focus on inspiring , interactive confidence building games, discussions and assembly ideas. Its core principles relate to letting go of comparison, celebrating differences, embracing mistakes and creating big dreams.

Chapters include:

  • I am One of a Kind
  • Same but Different
  • Don’t Worry, Be Happy
  • Speak Life
  • The Show: I am one of a kind

The author has also provided resources that illustrate points in the text. 

This is an interesting and creative approach to supporting the development of self-esteem and Babooram indicates that the chapters should ideally be followed in the order they are printed in, to achieve the greatest impact.

Full of energy!

Title: Born to Be Awesome
Author: S. Babooram
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing 
ISBN: 978-1-9133340-19-3
Price: £14.99

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