Research Through Play: Participatory Methods in Early Education


The authors, who are based at the University of Strathclyde, have interests in early childhood, play experiences, and enquiry-based partnerships with children and practitioners. The book has many respected contributors from a wide range of backgrounds and locations, including Professor Cathy Nutbrown. It has been developed as a starting point for those who want to better understand innovative research methods in early childhood and draws on a wide range of practice. 

The are four parts to the book:
Founding Principles for Playful Research Approaches
Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks for Playful Research
Adapting Play-Based Pedagogies As a Research Method
Research Resources From Early Childhood Education 

This book would be of great value to teachers and other practitioners who are considering a move into postgraduate courses such as an Educational Doctorate, and it draws on real life examples and research projects to enable common challenges to be addressed. There are two very helpful research proposal examples towards the end of the book, and these illustrate clearly ways to proceed.

Editors: L. Arnott and K. Wall
Publisher: Sage Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-5264-9354-5
Price: £26.99

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