Wizzy’s Words: A Book of Rhymes for Building Children’s Oral Vocabulary From Age Zero Onwards


Jacqueline E Alexander is a primary school teacher, with postgraduate qualifications and a passion for developing early oral language skills , based on research and classroom observations. 

The book consists of 70 illustrated modern nursery rhymes that provide a launch pad for language work beyond the pre-reading phase, with a focus on supporting those children in danger of being ‘left behind’. At the same time, the rhymes are designed to appeal to all children as part of oral vocabulary programmes.

Each double page has an illustrated rhyme on the left side, and identified key words on the right. Some of the rhymes can be sung along to traditional tunes such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Rhymes include:

  • There Was a Little Dog (There Was a Crooked Man)
  • Read a Book Baby (Hush-a-Bye Baby)

This is a delightful resource that will engage young children in developing their vocabulary and the use of rhyme, rhythm and language structure.

Really lovely!

Author: J.E. Alexander
Publisher: Troubadour Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-80046-427-8
Price: £9.99

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